Students learn the application of the Arduino microcontroller and the internet of things to the objects around them. With a prior understanding of basic level electronics, arduino and IoT, C++ and python programming languages and making android applications. Here, our students are guided by the learning by doing method, direct practice of making automation tools. students who do internships at our place can be from majoring in electronic engineering, mechatronic engineering, industrial electronics engineering, computer control engineering, information management and informatics engineering.The purpose of this program is for students to better understand the application of Arduino microcontrollers in various tools and objects around us and to automate these devices by being connected to the Internet of Things (IoT). Practice is done by directly making tools that we produce or that we have modified with Arduino microcontrollers such as making tools for learning Arduino and IoT starter kits, Making automatic lights based on sensors and controls through Android Applications, Making Automatic Doors with Face Recognition Cameras, Manufacturing Automatic trash can, robot arm manufacture, omnirobot manufacture, and automation tool manufacture for orchid gardens with android application control.


We recruit 20 selected students to join our internship program with the following process:

  1. administrative selection process
  2. the process of selecting interests and majors of study.
  3. interview selection process with director



We include a program by directly making robotics and automation projects with Learning By Doing where we will guide students on the basics of robotics and automation, making prototypes and testing up to the trouble shooting stage of the tool projects that are made.

This internship activity will make students understand the optimization of the use of technology and its application in various fields. Such as the use of sensors in homes or offices and control with android applications or what is called a smart home or smart office. Its application is also in the field of plantations or what is called automatic watering and fertilizing plants with the use of sensors, as well as in the field of animal husbandry and fisheries by making animal feed or fish feed tools automatically so that routine human activities will be more effective and efficient.

This internship activity requires students who are physically and mentally healthy. The main condition is that they have carried out the Covid-19 vaccine according to government regulations.


Mentor details:

Samsudin Bahri

Head of Project

He is our employee and can support 40 hours per week for supporting


Dwi Prayogo

RND Department

He is our employee and will supporting full time in this program

For More Details about Our Internships Program, Please klik Whatsapp Number Below :